7 Unique Staircase with a Cool Design

7 Unique Staircase with a Cool Design can see in here, Interior staircase is one that is very important in a home or building that has a floor level. Because the ladder, people can move from the first floor to the second floor and vice versa.
But instead of making a conventional household in general, there are people who make a ladder with a unique design that fascinate. Named unique, because the shape and the materials used are not as imagined all the people. The following 9 unique staircase that you can make inspiration for decorating your home architecture.

7 Unique Staircase with a Cool Design

1. Foldable Stairs
Unique Staircase with a Cool Design

This is a super unique ladder that can be folded! Yes, that's right, can be folded. According to the manufacturer, designer Aaron Tang, the ladder is embedded into the walls so that the room is not too time consuming and if you want to wear it, just pull the hinge and part of the steps will be tiered own. An interesting idea if you do not want anyone to get into your room on it

2. Stairs Of Glass
Unique Staircase with a Cool Design

This is a super cool stairs! Made entirely of glass, making the ladder section looks translucent and very pretty. A ladder according to the eco-friendly house, interested in imitating?

3. Turning staircase of rocks
Unique Staircase with a Cool Design

This spiral staircase was made by Roberto Semprini for Edilco who said to be inspired from the ergonomic forms of natural rocks formed by water. The stairs look like the giant boulder from the river which is actually made ​​from concrete blocks. Just do not slippery like a real river rock

4. Stairs Bookcase

Stairs 'secret' can be found in Victorian apartment - where London's unique hidden staircase from the main hall. Created by Tom Sloan of Architects levitate, you can search for your favorite book while one by one up the staircase of course strong. Creative and seemed hidden.

5. Floating stairs

This is a super cool staircase and most original ladders to float ideas! Created by Florence architect Guido Ciompi, this unique staircase you can find at a hotel in Milan - Italy, The Gray hotel. Unique and looks cool!

6. Twisted-Pair Metal stairs

Modern staircase is made from 10mm thick sheet metal. Each rung connecting it with the adjacent external oblique beams that form a bracket on the wall. With concepts such as twisting ribbon, this ladder to become one of the ladder rungs are thin. Want to see straight? You can come into a contemporary house in Liben, Prague. Still looks fragile, strong ladder you know!

7. Floating stairs room
Unique Staircase with a Cool Design

Two outstanding examples of cool staircase is made by the Didden Village project of the Dutch architectural firm, MVRDV. Looks like a spinning ladder, this ladder has an entrance and a small room as if there is a ladder out of the roof space. Hmm, like the Harry Potter movie huh?
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